The Doctor has a bit of an ego problem…”
The Doctor exhaled noisily “Clara, you are insufferably irritating…”
“Oooh, you don’t think I’m irritating at all, do you?” She crowed. He stopped in his tracks and shook his head, an indulgent smile tugging at his lips. He retreated to the console to let her enjoy her victory. Happy to see him playing along in his own way, she raised her voice for effect “In fact… The Doctor thinks I’m brilliant!”
“And pretty, too. The Doctor thinks I’m very pretty, despite all his recent slights.” She narrowed her eyes at him, issuing a tacit challenge. He looked torn between amusement and dismay.
“Alright, that’s enough. C’mon, you’ve had your fun.” He held out a hand expectantly, again.
This time, she acquiesced with shrug, sashaying the length of the room, smugly. “It wasn’t anything terrible. I mean, it’s not like I’m saying ‘Oh, and The Doctor also wants to shag me rotten.’”
Their fingertips brushed as she handed the box over.
Her eyes went wide but The Doctor merely scowled down at the device.
“It’s broken.”
Somehow, she didn’t believe him even before the device answered.