HINDRAF rose as the voice of the poorer segment of Indians in Malaysia due to growing disenfranchisement amongst the community with constant denial of access to opportunities due to acute economic and political mismanagement that is clearly manifested towards the marginalized Indians since the displacement of Indians from the estates since 1980.
The issues pertaining to the Indian community ranges from lack of programs for students from poor or financially deprived background, absence of laws to safeguards the socio-economic interest of the forcefully relocated estate workers, discriminative employment opportunity both in government and private sectors, the poor state of Tamil schools, arbitrary and insensitive handling of Hindu temples , religious matter such as conversion as well the ongoing negative profiling of Indians by the police authorities and the treatment received by them with selective persecution.
The above issue had expounded one truth, that the Indians have been systematically marginalized.
Although the New Economic Policy (NEP) was aimed at eventual eradication of poverty, its implementation within the framework of the race-based system of governance led to a state of affairs where poverty and inequality had only exacerbated for the poorer segment of Indian community.
HINDRAF is a strong advocate of Human dignity and rights. Human dignity is intertwined with human rights to transcend a social order within a community as an inherent valuable member of the human community. In Malaysia, for the poorer segment of the community both their dignity and basic rights continue to be raped with unshackled impunity.
The legitimate socio-economic issues that continue unabated towards this community cannot be swept under the carpet as it is not going to go away but requires a political courage from the current administration.
HINDRAF is a movement of consciousness based on human dignity and human rights to alleviate chronic poverty that is widespread amongst the Malaysian Indians, therefore we will continue our struggle in ensure the human dignity and rights of the poor shall be defended at all cost against any marginalization and discriminative practice.
HINDRAF rose as the voice of the poorer segment of Indians in Malaysia due to growing disenfranchisement amongst the community with constant denial of access to opportunities due to acute economic and political mismanagement that is clearly manifested towards the marginalized Indians since the displacement of Indians from the estates since 1980. The issues pertaining to the Indian community ranges from lack of programs for students from poor or financially deprived background, absence of laws to safeguards the socio-economic interest of the forcefully relocated estate workers, discriminative employment opportunity both in government and private sectors, the poor state of Tamil schools, arbitrary and insensitive handling of Hindu temples , religious matter such as conversion as well the ongoing negative profiling of Indians by the police authorities and the treatment received by them with selective persecution.The above issue had expounded one truth, that the Indians have been systematically marginalized.Although the New Economic Policy (NEP) was aimed at eventual eradication of poverty, its implementation within the framework of the race-based system of governance led to a state of affairs where poverty and inequality had only exacerbated for the poorer segment of Indian community.HINDRAF is a strong advocate of Human dignity and rights. Human dignity is intertwined with human rights to transcend a social order within a community as an inherent valuable member of the human community. In Malaysia, for the poorer segment of the community both their dignity and basic rights continue to be raped with unshackled impunity.The legitimate socio-economic issues that continue unabated towards this community cannot be swept under the carpet as it is not going to go away but requires a political courage from the current administration.HINDRAF is a movement of consciousness based on human dignity and human rights to alleviate chronic poverty that is widespread amongst the Malaysian Indians, therefore we will continue our struggle in ensure the human dignity and rights of the poor shall be defended at all cost against any marginalization and discriminative practice.

HINDRAF meningkat sebagai suara segmen miskin kaum India di Malaysia kerana pencabutan hak semakin meningkat di kalangan masyarakat dengan penafian berterusan akses kepada peluang disebabkan oleh salah urus ekonomi dan politik akut yang jelas ditunjukkan terhadap kaum India terpinggir sejak anjakan India dari ladang sejak tahun 1980. isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat India adalah antara kekurangan program untuk pelajar dari latar belakang miskin atau dilucutkan dari segi kewangan, ketiadaan undang-undang untuk melindungi kepentingan sosio-ekonomi pekerja ladang secara paksa dipindahkan, peluang pekerjaan yang diskriminatif dalam kedua-dua sektor kerajaan dan swasta , negeri yang miskin di sekolah-sekolah Tamil, pengendalian sewenang-wenangnya dan tidak sensitif kuil Hindu, perkara agama seperti penukaran juga profil negatif berterusan India oleh pihak berkuasa polis dan rawatan yang diterima oleh mereka dengan penganiayaan terpilih. isu di atas telah menjelaskan satu kebenaran , bahawa kaum India telah dipinggirkan secara sistematik. Walaupun Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) yang bertujuan untuk membasmi akhirnya kemiskinan, pelaksanaan itu dalam kerangka sistem berasaskan kaum yang tadbir membawa kepada hal ehwal mana kemiskinan dan ketidaksamaan hanya mempunyai diburukkan lagi untuk segmen yang lebih miskin daripada masyarakat India. HINDRAF adalah penyokong kuat terhadap maruah manusia dan hak-hak. Maruah manusia adalah berkait rapat dengan hak asasi manusia untuk mengatasi suatu susunan sosial dalam komuniti sebagai ahli berharga yang wujud dalam masyarakat manusia. Di Malaysia, bagi segmen miskin masyarakat kedua-dua martabat dan hak-hak asasi terus dirogol dengan sewenang-wenangnya budaya kerja. The sosio-ekonomi isu-isu yang sah yang terus tanpa henti ke arah masyarakat ini tidak boleh disapu di bawah permaidani kerana ia tidak akan hilang tetapi memerlukan keberanian politik daripada pentadbiran sekarang. HINDRAF adalah sebuah gerakan kesedaran berdasarkan maruah manusia dan hak asasi manusia untuk membasmi kemiskinan kronik yang berleluasa di kalangan masyarakat India di Malaysia, oleh itu kita akan meneruskan perjuangan kita dalam memastikan maruah manusia dan hak-hak yang miskin hendaklah dipertahankan dengan apa cara sekalipun terhadap mana-mana peminggiran dan amalan diskriminatif.