With the Bayesian approach, we report results in terms of the posterior distribution. For instance, the posterior mean and the posterior SD are presented inTable 2. The loadings were all statistically significant at the 5% level, as noted by the low standard deviation.The results from the structural model are presented in Table 4. For each relationship, we show the posterior mean and standard deviation, as well as 90% and 95% higher posterior densities.Fig. 4 also presents the plots of the empirical posterior distributions for some these relationships.As shown, except the impact of communication quality on relationship satisfaction, all other relationships are significant ateither the 5% or the 10% level. The results seem to be also theoretically sound. Communication quality had a significant, positive relationship with trust whereas opportunistic behavior was negatively related to both trust and relationship satisfaction. As expected, a significant, positive relationship existed betweenfinancial dependence and trust. Although the effect of social dependence on trust was“insignificant”, its effect on relationship satisfaction was significant and positive supporting the research hypothesis of interest. Trust was a significant, negative antecedent of propensity to leave but a positive determinant of relationship commitment.Finally, relationship satisfaction had a significant negative association with propensity to leave and a significant positive association with relationship commitment.