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April 26, 2013 ↔ 78 commentsChanneling Adolf Hitler, Part FourElisa Medhus
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As you’ve noticed, along with the tab “Calls” that leads to all the recordings of previous conference calls (with the exception of the grievers’ calls), I’ve added another tab, “Erik Visits”. These are all in the menu at the top of the homepage. I tried, in vain, to make the page one where each of you could post their Erik encounters themselves, but I’m going to have to do so manually. Please, please, please share any pranks, visits or other Erik mischief with me at emedhus@gmail.com. Some of you have already written me through Facebook or via email, but if you can resend it to me, I’d be grateful! Here’s the final part (phew!) of the Hitler interview and the last celebrity interview I plan to post. I hope you enjoy! ***************************************** Me: What would the world have been like if you had not done the things that you did? Hitler: Still much separation between races and cultures. Me: Okay. Anything else? Jamie (chuckling): My god. He just smiled! Hitler: I like to think I had influence on the industrial era. Jamie: And he smiled. You can tell it’s something he took pride in. Me: Well, he did. Jamie: Design and factories and metals. He’s proud of that, but you know when you talk about the war and everything, there was no smiling and no pride behind it. It was designed. It was a contract. Me: It was something he had to do but wasn’t proud of? Weren’t you ashamed of it? Hitler: I cannot be. I did what I was meant to do. Me: I see. Do you have any messages for humanity, at all? Any advice or messages? (Long pause) Hitler: We are in a world today, that if you feel strongly about your beliefs, you must stand up as an individual and make it heard, but it is very important to know what needs to be heard— (Pause as Jamie listens to Hitler) Jamie (to Hitler): Yeah, your translation is backwards again here. (Long pause) Jamie: Sorry. We’re talking about the way he just translated that. Cuz he said what needs to be heard must be based on the whole. He’s giving a lot of imagery with it. So, basically, if you believe in something, don’t follow somebody else’s ideas. Stand up for your own ideas. But the only way you know if those ideas are valuable is if they’re helping the whole, the entirety: the family unit that you’re in, the company that you’re in, the state, the governments, the nation, the world—it’s gotta be a united front, not a single front. Me: Okay. How would you envision the perfect world to be? (Long pause) Hitler: Where there is no hatred. Me: Mm. Will we ever have it? Hitler: I see that we are getting close, and I know that the world can sustain it. Me: Okay. Erik (to Hitler): So, will we ever have it? Hitler: For this, I don’t know. Me: Okay. Now, Erik, what question do you have? Erik: I wanna ask one thing: When you came out of that darkness, did you just look at yourself and say, “That was some fucked up shit!”? Jamie: Believe it or not, that got the second smile out of him. (Long pause) Me: And? Jamie: He’s pausing. Me: Oh, okay. Jamie (laughing): Sorry. The quietness again! Hitler: I know where you are coming from. I understand where you are coming from, but that life to me was no surprise. I was designed for it. Me: Okay. Jamie, do you have any questions? Jamie (emphatically): Huh uh! Me: Thanks so much. We’ve learned a lot from you. I hope that helps you, too. Hitler: Thank you. Have a good day. Goodbye. Jamie: The one sitting down stands up, straightens his pants, walks straight out. Doesn’t say goodbye to me, acknowledge me, nothing. Me: Hm. Jamie: And the other Adolf that’s standing more casually waves. The one standing had kind of a tan suit on. This was weird. It’s almost like the world has created so much thought and descriptions of who Adolf should be, even in spirit, that he can’t come out of that design, that container from what the mass of thoughts and emotions have put on him. So, it’s almost like he divided himself so that one image can live so that people can put their hatred in one place or that healing or whatever they’re doing in that one location, and he can still be himself and house that (other Adolf), cuz he’s definitely, like I said, he’s not backing away from any of it. Me: Wow! It’s interesting. Okay. That was a really good interview. We’ll see what kind of response that gets from the blog! Jamie: Holy shit. Can you—I almost just about fell out of my chair when you asked him—I can’t even remember the question… Me: Yeah, about him being like Jesus or something? How did he— Jamie (laughing): I looked at Erik and said, ‘Holy shit, I’m not saying it.’ and he said, “Fucking say it. C’mon!” He said I was being a p-u-s-s-y. We both giggle. Jamie: And that’s when I asked, ‘Can I write it down?’ Me: Nah, you can say it, and it’s going to go on the blog, so… Jamie: Holy fuck. Erik’s been a bad influence on Jamie, language-wise. I rarely hear her curse. Me: No editing here. Jamie lets in a loud gasp. On that note, enjoy your weekend, everyone! ******************************** Many of you may be disillusioned by the fact that Jamie’s booked up until September. She’s just that good. So, to help those who don’t want to wait, she has decided to offer inexpensive group phone sessions so that a handful of people can get readings from her. I’ve heard from some blog members who have already participated in them that they’re mind-blowing. Treat yourself or a friend or family member. Here are the dates for the next two months. May: 1st: http://withloveandlight.com/event/jamies-group-phone-readings/ 8th:http://withloveandlight.com/event/jamies-group-phone-readings-4/ 15th: http://withloveandlight.com/event/jamies-group-phone-readings-3/ 22nd:http://withloveandlight.com/event/jamies-group-phone-readings-6/ 29th:http://withloveandlight.com/event/jamies-group-phone-readings-5/ June: 5th, 12th @ 11:30am EST, 19th & 26th July: 10th, 17th & 31st August: 7th, 21st & 28thSeptember: 4th, 11th & 18th October: 2nd, 9th & 30th November: 6th, 13th & 20thDecember: 4th, 11th & 18th
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26 日,2013PM78commentschanneling阿道夫·希特勒,部分fourelisa梅德許 斯
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, 你已經注意到,隨著“呼吁”的選項卡,導致所有的錄音,與前一次會議呼吁(除了grievers'呼吁),我已經由另一個選項卡上,“埃裡克訪問”。 這些都是在菜單上的網頁上。 我想,是徒勞的,以使該網頁,每一個可以發布其Erik遇到本身,但我要這樣做手動。 請,請分享任何惡作劇、訪問或其他Erik惡作劇,我在emedhus@gmail.com. 一些,你已經通過等我書面或透過電子郵件,但如果你也可以重新發送它給我,我要感謝您! 這是最後一部分(唉!希特勒的採訪和去年名人採訪後,我計劃。 我希望你玩樂! *****************************************我:會採取什麼世界已想,如果你沒有這樣做的事情,你呢? 希特勒:仍然有許多不同種族和文化。 我:好。 還有什麼? 杰米(笑):我的上帝。 他說,他笑了笑! 希特勒:我想我已就影響的工業時代。 Jamie:,他笑了笑。 你可以告訴他感到驕傲的是它的東西。 我:好,他沒有。 Jamie:設計和工廠和金屬。他對此感到驕傲,但你知道當你談一談的戰爭和一切,沒有面帶微笑,背後沒有驕傲。 它的目的。 這是一項合同。 我:這是他所要做,但並不感到自豪的嗎? 沒有你感到羞恥,因為它呢? 希特勒:我不可能的。 我做我的本意是這樣做。 我說:我看到的。 你是否有任何消息,在所有人類呢? 任何意見或信息呢? (長稍停)希特勒:我們是在今天的世界,如果你有強烈的感受你信仰,你必須站起來,作為一個個人和使它聽取了,但它是非常重要的是知道有哪些需要聽到—(稍停,聽Jamie希特勒)杰(希特勒:嗯,你在這裡再次翻譯是倒退。 (長稍停)杰:對不起。 我們在談論他剛才的方式,翻譯。他說什麼cuz必須根據需要聽取了關於整個。 他的使很多的圖像。 所以,基本上,如果你相信點什麼東西,不要跟著別人的想法。 站起來,為自己的想法。 但唯一方法你知道,如果這些想法是可貴的是,如果他們幫助整體而言,整個:家庭單位,你的公司,你的國家,各國政府、民族、世界——它掉的是一個統一戰線,而不是一個單一陣線。 我:好。 你會如何設想的完美的世界呢? (長稍停)希特勒:如沒有仇恨。 我:毫米。 我們以往任何時候都會有呢? 希特勒:我看,我們也正變得越來越密切,和我所知,世界可以維持它。 我:好。 埃裡克(希特勒:因此,我們以往任何時候都會有呢? 希特勒:對此,我不知道。我:好。 現在,埃裡克·,甚麼問題? 埃裡克·萬納問:我一點:當你出來的,黑暗,你看看你自己,說,他說:「這是一些產生了shit」 Jamie:相信它或沒有,那麼第二次微笑了,他。 (長稍停):我和呢? Jamie:他的停頓。 我:噢,好。 杰米(笑):對不起。 安寧的又一次! 希特勒:我知道你在哪兒都是來自何方。