Closed circuit coolers (with evaporative pre-cooling of intake air) should be considered over open type cooling towers to minimise risk of Legionella bacteria growth and to reduce fouling of condensers. If open type cooling towers are used they shall be fitted with side-stream filter units incorporating centrifugal separators and UV/ozoneAny new refrigeration plant installed for Bank premises shall be operated on environmentally friendly refrigerants. CFCs and HCFC’s R22 and R123 shall not be used. HFC’s such as R134A are preferred for centrifugal chillers and R407C or R410A are preferred for smaller refrigeration plantsRefer to the electrical section for metering requirements for mechanical plant. Where possible the Bank requires meters on major plant items and/or mechanical distribution boards to measure the performance of equipmentAnnual 99 percentile coincident dry and wet bulb temperature as nominated in CIBSE:To be adjusted based on location:( E.g For Dubai Cooling: Summer 46 oC DB / 29oC WB ; For Dubai Cooling: Winter 14 oC DB / 10oC WB)