Dear Mr. Shen
Sorry belated to reply your e-mail.
In order to close the NCRs, could you please send me a complete Laporan Ketidaksesuaian Audit Tahap 2 (there are 3 NCRs). The NCR that you sent me just no. 2 and 3 without no 1. You have to fill in "Tindakan Koreksi" (corrective action that has been taken) and also sign and stamp them.
Besides that, could you please revise the root cause of NCR no.2 point 2 (harus ada pihak luar yang mengkalibrasi semua alat lab di PT. Conch) -- to be "Belum semua dokumen yang telah disusun oleh departemen terkait dikendalikan dan diberi identifkasi". While Rencana Tindakan Koreksi (corrective action plan), you have to fill in with "Semua dokumen yang telah digunakan akan dikendalikan dan diberi identifikasi.
Thank you very much for your good cooperation