Pledge Manager
The ZNAPS post-campaign Pledge Manager is ready! It will give you the chance to manage and re-select the exact combination of rewards you want. You should find in your email inbox, an email with the link to the Pledge Manager along with a unique one-time-use discount code with the full value of your Kickstarter pledge. Please do not share your discount code with anyone.
We have already emailed the first 1000 backers for a pilot run. After the system checks out, we will email all other backers within 48 hours. Please be patient during this time and wait until after these 48 hours are over before contacting us about the emails. Thank you.
Please follow the instructions below:
•1. Visit ZNAPS Pledge Manager (as shown in your email)
•2. Select and/or add to your rewards
•3. Check-out cart and apply your Discount code
•4. Sign-up a Shopify ZNAPS account and fill-in your shipping details.
**If you do not make additional pledges, you are not required to provide any additional payment info.
Just a reminder, you must use your discount code to select your ZNAPS products before the Oct 1, 2015 deadline. As we need to collect all relevant data for production. If you have any questions, feel free to check the FAQ and we will be happy to answer your question.
Please remember to add the Distributor License to your cart.
Refund Deadline
We are reviewing requests for refunds until September 10, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. Refunds will be issued on a case by case basis. Please email requests to , with 1) Subject line: Request For Refund, and 2) an explanation of reason for refund.
We will not review any requests received after the deadline and no more refunds will be issued.