A few years, later and still nothing... but despite, everything, they still tried and were very determined. That was until, George received the horrible news that he was sick, and suddenly, his dream of wanting a family with Ringo was over, that night, when he told Ringo and they cried, for hours.Months, passed and George was receiving, treatment, he felt weak, and tired. But, never too, tired to go, gardening with Ringo, it was just an normal day for them, as they planted and watered, various pants. They were both, going though pain, over George's illness, but they never allowed it to take away, the joy, they always felt in each other's presence.When, they were done, working around, the garden, both George and Ringo, both laid out, among the flowers and underneath the warm, sun. George looked over at the man, laying next to him and smiled, this was George's paradise, his garden and Ringo, he then placed his hand in Ringo's and they held, hands, it was quiet and peaceful.