Sodium supplementation is only necessary if there is a significant loss of sweat in case of prolonged exercise in hot weather, but be careful not to have too much sodium. If you eat too much sodium without enough water, 0t can dehydrate the body. Sodium in the blood is very concentrated, it is able to suck water from the body and excrete it through the urine, causing the body to dehydrate. Potassium does not require any supplementation while exercising. Iron is a mineral that can be indispensable in a boxer who loses a lot of sweat for a long time and can cause anemia, but it is generally less common. Eating iron supplements is not necessary, as it can often cause nausea and discomfort. During exercise, it is not necessary to get vitamin supplements, since it is already sufficiently present in a balanced diet. Vitamin deficiency can reduce exercise performance, but eating a lot of vitamin supplements. It might not help. Sometimes it is a penalty, especially vitamins that dissolve in fat can be toxic.