Coral reefs
Coral reefs look like underwater gardens. The corals look like small plants. There are corals in every color of the rainbow. But they are not plants. Corals are many tiny animala growing together. As each animal grows it makes a hard wall all round itself. When it dies, the hard wall is left and another animal grows on top. Over thousands of years the corals grow bigger and taller. They cover the sea bed for many kilometers. This is called a coral reef.
Corals grow in many different shapes. Some corals look like objects. People named the corals after the objects. There is star coral, rose coral, finger coral...
Many wonderful creatures live in a coral reef. Some fish look like animals on hard . They have the names of the animals they look like. The butterfly fish has spots like a butterfly. The lionfish looks like a lion's head and the clorfish looks like a colorful clown.