The strength of this study is highlighted in the following points. First, the study intentionally concentrated on only young rural entrepreneurs, due to little research in this part, to study whether there are any distinctions in their ICT usage and derives. Next, the model is based on theories grounded in current management ISs research. Furthermore, actual ICT usage (AU) was employed rather than intentions (as the dependent variable), which has been questioned by Straub, Limayemm, and Karahanna (1995). According to Ajzen and Fishbein (1980), inten- tions should be gauged eventually close to the behavioral observation to ensure an accurate pre- diction. BI may lack practical value in predicting long-term future implication in AU, as numerous TAM studies in the past more frequently measured EI or BI rather than AU. Thus, our interest here is to anticipate AU rather than EI as the endogenous variable. In addition, since the TAM has mostly focused greatly on PU and PEoU, and ignored the indispensable social influences involved in IT evolution, this type of criticism fails TAM from its predictability of the social influence variables. Considerably SN has been validated by some previous surveys in the context of IT and enterprise; we implement SN in the two models through TAM2. Finally, while numerous empirical studies have consistently acknowledged direct effects of the TAMvariables, including PEoU and PU on AT/BI (Davis et al., 1989), potential mediating effects of these two constructs (EI and AT) properties appear to be ignored in many TAM studies.