`You're looking terri®c today! Mmm . . . what's thatlovely smell? It's like fresh bread and ¯owers and sunshineall mixed together with . . . I don't know ± is it you,Anna?'I didn't know what he was talking about. I couldn't smellanything special.Mr Amos had an expert nose for perfumes. And heknew it.`Yes, it is you!' he said loudly. All the other chemistsnearby could hear. It was embarrassing.I had never heard my boss speak to me like that before.Or to anybody else, come to think of it. David Amos is adark, handsome English guy who would never dream ofsaying nice things to ordinary looking girls like me. He6preferred to be with pretty young models who liked hisappearance and his money. When he did speak to thechemists he was usually complaining about something. Washe playing some kind of joke today?Suddenly he came over right next to me. He spoke in aquiet voice close to my ear.`You know, Anna, I've never really noticed it before ± Ican't think why ± but you really are a beautiful woman!'`Mr Amos. I . . .' I tried to answer but I didn't knowwhat to say