The Federated Malay States (FMS) was a federation of four protected states in the Malay Peninsula—Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang—established by the British government in 1895, which lasted until 1946, when they, together with the Straits Settlements and the Unfederated Malay States, formed the Malayan Union. Two years later, the Union became the Federation of Malaya and finally Malaysia in 1963 with the inclusion of Sabah (then North Borneo), Sarawak and Singapore.
The United Kingdom was responsible for foreign affairs and defence of the federation, whilst the states continued to be responsible for their domestic policies. Even so, the British Resident General would give advice on domestic issues, and the states were bound by treaty to follow that advice. The federation had Kuala Lumpur, which was then part of Selangor, as its capital. The first FMS Resident General was Sir Frank Swettenham.
The federation, along with the other Malay states and British possessions of the peninsula, was overrun and occupied by the Japanese during World War II. After the liberation of Malaya following the Japanese surrender, the federation was not restored, but the federal form of government was retained as the principal model for consolidating the separate States as an independent Federation of Malaya and the Federation's later evolution into Malaysia.
The Federated Malay States (FMS) was a federation of four protected states in the Malay Peninsula—Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang—established by the British government in 1895, which lasted until 1946, when they, together with the Straits Settlements and the Unfederated Malay States, formed the Malayan Union. Two years later, the Union became the Federation of Malaya and finally Malaysia in 1963 with the inclusion of Sabah (then North Borneo), Sarawak and Singapore.The United Kingdom was responsible for foreign affairs and defence of the federation, whilst the states continued to be responsible for their domestic policies. Even so, the British Resident General would give advice on domestic issues, and the states were bound by treaty to follow that advice. The federation had Kuala Lumpur, which was then part of Selangor, as its capital. The first FMS Resident General was Sir Frank Swettenham.The federation, along with the other Malay states and British possessions of the peninsula, was overrun and occupied by the Japanese during World War II. After the liberation of Malaya following the Japanese surrender, the federation was not restored, but the federal form of government was retained as the principal model for consolidating the separate States as an independent Federation of Malaya and the Federation's later evolution into Malaysia.
Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu (FMS) adalah sebuah persekutuan empat negeri dilindungi di Semenanjung Melayu-Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan dan Pahang yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan British pada tahun 1895, yang berlangsung sehingga tahun 1946, apabila mereka, bersama-sama dengan Negeri-negeri Selat dan Negeri-negeri Melayu Tidak Bersekutu, membentuk Malayan Union. Dua tahun kemudian, Kesatuan menjadi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan akhirnya Malaysia pada tahun 1963 dengan kemasukan Sabah (ketika itu Borneo Utara), Sarawak dan Singapura. United Kingdom bertanggungjawab bagi hal ehwal luar negeri dan pertahanan persekutuan, manakala negeri-negeri terus bertanggungjawab untuk dasar-dasar domestik mereka. Walaupun begitu, Residen British Agung akan memberi nasihat mengenai isu-isu dalam negeri, dan negeri-negeri yang telah terikat dengan perjanjian untuk mengikuti nasihat itu. Persekutuan itu Kuala Lumpur, yang ketika itu sebahagian daripada Selangor, sebagai modal. Yang pertama FMS Residen General ialah Sir Frank Swettenham. Persekutuan itu, bersama-sama dengan negeri-negeri Melayu yang lain dan harta benda British semenanjung, telah ditakluki dan diduduki oleh Jepun semasa Perang Dunia II. Selepas pembebasan Malaya berikutan Jepun menyerah kalah, persekutuan itu tidak dipulihkan, tetapi bentuk persekutuan kerajaan telah dikekalkan sebagai model utama untuk menyatukan Amerika berasingan sebagai Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang merdeka dan evolusi kemudiannya Persekutuan ke dalam Malaysia.