Personal loan refers to the amount of money lent to an individual (usually on a unsecured ) for personal, family, or household purposes. basis For examples, Customer who borrows money from bank has many good reasons. o Emergencies o New home furnishing OS hortage of cash o Buy a new car Education Tax payment Make a timely investment Get married o Holidays Buy appliances/durables Take advantage of a sale Personal loan is usually in the form of installments . It is repaid over time with a set number of scheduled payments. The term of loan may be as little as 6 months and as long as 6 years. Interest rate is normally quoted at monthly flat rate TÉ with annualized percentage rate (APR)H |E(interest is calculated on the daily outstanding balance and charged to the account monthly based on the Prime rate (P)). L A pre-fixed amount or certain multiples of monthly salary will be imposed as 'Maximum Loan Limit'. It usually does not require guarantor RA or asset pledged as security. Apart from the interests on the bank loans, some banks may impose handling charges and/or management fee.