Thanks for preparing various breakfast every morning. We do enjoy the surprise every morning and getting to know what Balinese tastes. Thanks Very much!
Somehow, we would like to let u know, what we can take in order to take care of our health.
Both of us cannot take much sugar, coffee and tea in the morning. The rice noodle was very good in the morning, but i cannot take spice at all.
We love to have more fruit, ginger tea, lemon grass tea, or other herbal tea.
Eggs are good.. plus breads or rice flour pancake or some nice dish from you.
Thanks !
Thanks for preparing various breakfast every morning. We do enjoy the surprise every morning and getting to know what Balinese tastes. Thanks Very much!Somehow, we would like to let u know, what we can take in order to take care of our health. Both of us cannot take much sugar, coffee and tea in the morning. The rice noodle was very good in the morning, but i cannot take spice at all. We love to have more fruit, ginger tea, lemon grass tea, or other herbal tea.Eggs are good.. plus breads or rice flour pancake or some nice dish from you. Thanks !

Terima kasih untuk mempersiapkan berbagai sarapan setiap pagi. Kami menikmati kejutan setiap pagi dan mengenal apa selera Bali. Terima kasih Sangat banyak!
Entah bagaimana, kami ingin membiarkan u tahu, apa yang bisa kita ambil untuk menjaga kesehatan kita.
Kami berdua tidak bisa mengambil banyak gula, kopi dan teh di pagi hari. Mie beras sangat baik di pagi hari, tetapi saya tidak dapat mengambil rempah-rempah sama sekali.
Kami senang untuk memiliki lebih banyak buah, teh jahe, lemon tea rumput, atau teh herbal lainnya.
Telur yang baik .. ditambah roti atau nasi tepung pancake atau bagus hidangan dari Anda. Terima kasih!