The majority of participants in all groups are females withthe age is 39 years and over and duration of illness in allgroups are equal. This indicates that this problem mightbe more prevalent among females than males [16–18].The youngest participant is 39 years much younger thanin European population [10] which the youngest of diabeticpatient is 50 years old (ranges 50–60 years) and alsoyounger than it is characterized according to Soegondo(2007) [19] which is 45 years. Participants’ education levelsare equal in the three groups as the most appropriatestatement to compare the impact of the intervention strategyamong the three groups [14,20]. Most of study participants(> 75 %) in the three groups are married, thissituation is expected that their family can support andmotivate participants in doing the diabetes self-care whichwill lead in increasing patients’ adherence to treatmentprogram.