Table 5 shows that the interactive term for bank size and deposits is significantly and negatively related to risk-weighted assets, liquidity creation, and stock return volatility at the 10%, 1% and 1% level of significance, respectively. These results suggest that the banks’ asset risk and overall risk of larger banks generally reduces compared to smaller banks in response to lower funding liquidity risk. Also, larger banks become relatively safer when de- posits increase as evidenced by higher Z-scores at the 1% level of significance. Our general finding with regards to big banks is not only consistent with the previous findings of Boyd and Runkle (1993) , De Haan and Poghosyan (2012) , and Demsetz and Strahan (1997) in that bank size is negatively related to risk but we also extend their results by showing that larger banks are less inclined to take risks when they have lower funding liquidity risk. Big banks take less risk in response to lower funding liquidity risk because they have in relative terms less scope due to their more complicated business models that are less focused on traditional bank lending and they also face tighter prudential supervision and regulatory constraints given their systemic importance within banking sectors. The intercept dummy, Big, shows that larger banks are riskier based on risk-weighted assets, Z-scores, liquidity creation and stock return volatility which is consistent with the existing literature documenting that large banks prefer to hold less economic capital ( Demsetz and Strahan, 1997) . Table 5 shows that the positive relationship between deposit funding and bank risk taking holds even after controlling for bank size as evidenced by the significant relation between deposits and risk-weighted assets, Z-scores, liquidity creation and stock return volatility. The results for large banks are economically significant as a one standard deviation increase in the amount of deposits taken by big banks reduces their risk-weighted assets, liquidity creation and stock return volatility by 0.0027, 0.0133 and 0.0018 respectively and increases their Z-scores by 0.0923.