The Origin of Leong San Tong
Procession plaques of the Cheng Soon Keong
On the 5th day of the 5th Moon in the 2nd year of Dao Guang’s reign (1835), when the Khoos gathered to celebrate the birthday of the Patron Saint Tua Sai Yah, they realised the need to establish a clanhouse to unite and look after the welfare of the clansmen as well as to worship their ancestors. Therefore, on the 8th day of the same month, 102 clansmen congregated and decided to set up the Ee Kok Tong. A sum of 528 Dollars was collected during the meeting and it was put into investments for more than ten years. In 1850, on the 5th day of the 7th Moon, the Khoos bought the present site of Leong San Tong in the name of Tua Sai Yah. It measured 97,035 sq. ft. on which stood a British owned local bungalow.
The following year, the local bungalow was converted into a clanhouse, in which was enshrined the deity of Tua Sai Yah. The tablets of the ancestors of the first to the fifth generations and Tua Sai Yah’s deity were brought all the way from Sin Kang. In the courtyard, trees were planted to provide shade.
The newly converted clanhouse was named Leong San Tong, and was used for gathering, ancestral worship and weddings. On the Double Fifth Festival (the 5th day of the 5th Moon) every year, the Khoo clansmen would come to worship Tua Sai Yah and a procession would be held to mark the event.
A few years later, the Board of Trustees built a block of office building on the vacant lot of the courtyard, housing the conference and administration hall.
Asal-usul Leong San TongPerarakan plak dari yang Cheng Soon KeongPada hari ke 5 bulan ke-5 dalam tahun ke-2 Dao Guang pemerintahan (1835), apabila Khoos yang dikumpul untuk meraikan Ulang tahun penaung Tua Sai Yah, mereka sedar keperluan untuk mewujudkan clanhouse untuk Bersatu dan dijaga kebajikan clansmen juga tentang penyembahan nenek moyang mereka. Oleh itu, pada hari ke-8 pada bulan yang sama, 102 clansmen telah berkumpul dan mengambil keputusan untuk sediakan Ee Kok Tong. Sejumlah ringgit 528 dikumpulkan semasa Mesyuarat dan ia telah diletakkan ke dalam pelaburan selama lebih sepuluh tahun. Pada tahun 1850, pada hari ke-5 bulan 7, Khoos yang membeli tapak Leong San Tong atas nama Tua Sai Yah yang ada. Ia diukur 97,035 kaki persegi di mana berdiri sebuah banglo tempatan milik British.Pada tahun berikutnya, di bungalow tempatan bertukar menjadi sebuah clanhouse, di mana telah termaktub dewa Tua Sai Yah. Tablet nenek moyang yang pertama hingga kelima generasi dan dewa Tua Sai Yah dibawa sepanjang jalan dari dosa Kang. Di halaman, pokok-pokok memberi naungan.Clanhouse yang baru ditukar dinamakan Leong San Tong, dan telah digunakan untuk pengumpulan, pemujaan nenek moyang dan perkahwinan. Pada Pesta kelima Double (hari ke 5 bulan ke-5) setiap tahun, Khoo clansmen akan datang menyembah Tua Sai Yah dan perarakan yang akan diadakan Karnival ini.Beberapa tahun kemudian, Lembaga Amanah membina satu blok bangunan atas lot kosong daripada halaman, Pejabat perumahan dewan persidangan dan pentadbiran.