Wan Thau Fen was appointed as a teacher of the new school. After that, two new classrooms were constructed. In the beginning, English was used as the medium of teaching. In the 1930s, with the increasing number of students, Father Paul felt the need to build a new building with four classrooms. In 1934, Father Paul left the school to continue his missionary work in Kuching, Kudat and other parts of Sabah (British North Borneo) .
Wan Thau Fen was appointed as a teacher of the new school. After that, two new classrooms were constructed. In the beginning, English was used as the medium of teaching. In the 1930s, with the increasing number of students, Father Paul felt the need to build a new building with four classrooms. In 1934, Father Paul left the school to continue his missionary work in Kuching, Kudat and other parts of Sabah (British North Borneo) .
Wan Thau Fen telah dilantik sebagai guru di sekolah tersebut baru. Selepas itu, dua bilik darjah baru telah dibina. Pada mulanya, Bahasa Inggeris digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar pengajaran. Dalam tahun 1930-an, dengan peningkatan jumlah pelajar, Bapa Paul merasakan keperluan untuk membina sebuah bangunan baru dengan empat bilik darjah. Pada tahun 1934, Bapa Paul meninggalkan sekolah untuk meneruskan kerja-kerja dakwah beliau di Kuching, Kudat dan bahagian-bahagian lain di Sabah (British Borneo Utara).