10-132. During descent, the jumper can use the steering handles located on the back side of the rear risers to maneuver the parachute in the desired direction of travel to maneuver the canopy and avoid obstacles and other jumpers in the air. Jumpers scheduled to wear the AEBP should rehearse actions under canopy during SAT. After exiting the aircraft, complete the remaining four points of performance: Check canopy and gain canopy control. Keep a sharp lookout at all times and constantly compare rates of descent. Prepare to land. Land. Upon landing, the jumper doffs the AEBP system by releasing the three quick-ejector snaps (chest and two leg straps).10-133. Jumpers must always attempt to avoid mid-air contact by slipping or turning away from fellow jumpers. If unable to avoid a collision, the higher jumper should use the spread-eagle method to bounce off the lower jumper’s canopy or suspension lines. If an AEBP-equipped jumper enters another jumper’s suspension lines, the AEBP-equipped jumper immediately assumes the position of attention in hope that their exit will be the same location without becoming entangled. If not, the AEBP-equipped jumper should follow the emergency procedures for entanglement.10-134. The AEBP is a steerable canopy with a forward velocity. The AEBP has no reserve canopy. If jumpers become entangled, the actions required to correct the problem depend upon the condition of their main canopies. If one jumper has a completely inflated canopy, they will hold their positions until they reach the ground. If both parachutes lose lift capabilities, the jumper with a reserve will use the pull drop method to activate their reserve parachute. Neither jumper should attempt to climb to the other jumper. Additionally, the higher jumper should avoid the lower jumper when landing. Parachutists scheduled to wear the AEBP should rehearse collision and entanglement procedures during SAT prejump training.10-135. If the pilot chute deploys from the pack tray, the JM or safety will immediately attempt to contain the pilot chute. If contained, the AEBP-equipped jumper should remove the parachute and place it inside its kitbag. Jump operations will be on hold until the affected nonjumping JM or safety don a replacement parachute or safety harness. If a replacement parachute or safety harness is not available, the affected personnel should take a seat near the front of the aircraft and the Airborne operation should only be conducted from the door with a fully equipped JM team. If the AEBP-equipped jumper is aft of the wheel well, and the jump doors (or ramp) are open and the pilot chute is in or going out the door (or ramp), the jumper should immediately exit the aircraft. Airborne operations will cease if the nonjumping JM or safety conducts an unplanned exit. Jumpers scheduled to wear the AEBP should rehearse canopy activation inside the aircraft during SAT or at mock door rehearsal.