Unit 10: Television page 38r CD 2-7Listening11A: Did you watch it toda的繁體中文翻譯

Unit 10: Television page 38r CD 2-7

Unit 10: Television page 38r CD 2-7
A: Did you watch it today? I missed it.
B: It was great. One of the best episodes ever! Ted married Isabella, and
Isabella's daughter is upset.
So now Ted's worried, and Isabella's miserable.
I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

A: Did you watch the show last night?
B: I started to, but I had to go out. Did you see it?
A: Yeah.
B: Who won the grand prize?
A: A 20-year-old university student. She won a new car.

A: How was that show you watched the other night?
B: It was crazy! All the people on the show were constantly arguing and saying mean things about each other.
I don't know why anyone would want to be on a show like that.
A: I know , me neither. Are you going to watch it again?
B: Definitely. I want to see if Erica and Lisa get in another fight!

A: Did you hear about what happened in Florida?
B: No, what happened?
A: Well, there was a huge hurricane there yesterday. Really. That's terrible!
I know! And there were some major floods.
Lots of people have had to move out of their homes.

A: Did you watch the game?
B: Yeah, it was pretty exciting. Too bad our team lost, though.
A:Yeah, I thought they were going to win this time.
B: I know. But they really need to work on their defense.

A: Did you like that show you were watching when I called last night?
B: Yeah, I thought it was pretty interesting,
I always wonder how they can take video of birds flying like that you get
the impression you're up there flying with them.

listening 2 page 39r CD 2-8

At 9:30 p.m. tonight, a panel of experts will discuss developments in information
technology and how new innovations are going to change the way we watch TV .
If you like to know about the latest trends in technology, this is the show for you.

At 10 o'clock, we'll present a documentary about new treatments for cancer.
It will report on major breakthoughs in cancer research,including an excitint
new treatment for skin cancer and information about cancer-fighting foods that
you probably have in your kitchen right now.
If you have cancer or know someone who does, please don’t miss this program.

At 10:30, learn about modern architecture and the influence that some of the major century architects had on cities around the world.
Coming up on AFC tonight is Sea Crazy, a new sitcom about a cruse ship where everything goes wrong. Tonight , the kitchen staff goes on strike, and the passengers have to cook on strike, and the passengers have to cook their own meals-with hilarious results. If you’re thinking about taking a cruise, stay tuned for this one.
Tonight at 10 p.m., only on AFC, watch the final round of the game show Question Time, Twenty contestants will play for the big prize-one million dollars!
They’ll answer questions about history, moves,sport, and even math.
If you love facts and trivia, this is the show for you.

Laster tonight it’s America’s number one late night talk show.
The night show Tonight’s guests movie star Stephanie Sanchez and rapper B cash B.

Listening 3 Page40. CD 2-9

A : oh. That cooking show I like is on tonight I love chef on that program.
B : Yeah, she’s that British chef, right?
I really like her,too. I’ve tried some of her recipes. They were really good,
and none of them were thqt difficult to make.

A: Hey, Liz, do you watch that relity show. Who Wants to Marry me? The finale is
on tonight!
B: Well,honestly, I think those shows are really frustrating to watch The people on those shows fight all the time .
A: Oh,I love watching them argue with each other ! But I guess you don’t want to watch it with me .
B:No sorry.

A: Are you going to watch the tennis match on Saturday afternoon? It looks like it’s going to be a good one .
B: I know, but I don’t really enjoy wtching tennis on TV. I’d rather play tennis than watch it.

A: Hey. There’s an interesting documentary about space travel on TV tomorrow. Let’s watch it .
B: Okay. I love science documentaries.
You learn so much more from them than you ever learn in school.

A: Hey, that travel show is on tonight. You know th one-they follow this guy on
his vacation, and he always tries to find the cheapest places to stay. Sometimes the places are dirty and full of bugs. It’s fun to watch.
B: Actually,that doesn’t sound very interesting to me. I’d rather watch a show about staying at expensive hotels!

A: Oh,that antiques show is on tonigh.
B: I love that show. People bring their antique furniture and stuff. Sometimes their old junk turns our to be worth thousands of dollors. It’s really amazing .
A: I think it’s Kind of boring. I’d rather watch something exciting,like an action movie—or sports.

Pronunciation Page 41.CD 2-10

1. It was great
2. It was rerrible!
3. It was one of the best episodes ever!
4. I thought it was boring.
CD 2-11
1. I thought it was pretty interesting
2. It was really frustrating to watch.
3. That novel was truly amazing.
4. That new move was frightening

Dictation Page 41 CD 2-12

A: How do you like that new show that was on Wednesday night ?
B: Oh, I thought it was really exciting! I can’t wait to find out why those people are on the island. What did you think?
A: I didn’t think it was interesting at all. I was bored.
B:Really? You thought it was boring? But there was so much drama and excitement!
A: I think shows like that are frustrating to watch. You never know what’s going on .
B: Oh, that excatly why I think they’re so fun to watch I can’t wat for next week’s show.
原始語言: -
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
10 單位: 電視頁 38r CD 2 7Listening11你今天看它嗎?我錯過了它。B: 太棒了。有史以來最好的劇集之一!泰德結婚伊莎貝拉,和伊莎貝拉的女兒很傷心。所以現在 Ted 的擔心,與伊莎貝拉的悲慘。我等不及要看明天會發生什麼。2你看昨晚的嗎?B: 我開始對,但我不得不出去。你看到它了嗎?答: 是的。B: 誰贏了大獎?答: 一個 20 歲的大學生。她贏得了一輛新車。3。你看那天晚上的那場演出怎麼樣?B: 簡直太瘋狂了!上顯示的所有人都不斷爭論和對彼此說卑鄙的事情。我不知道為什麼有人想要在一次節目那樣。答: 我知道,我也不。你要再看一遍嗎?B: 肯定。我想看看是否埃麗卡和麗莎在另一場鬥爭中得到!4。你聽說在佛羅里達州發生的事情嗎?B: 不是,發生了什麼事嗎?答: 嗯,昨天發生了巨大的颶風。真的。那太可怕了!我知道!還有一些重大的洪澇災害。很多人都不得不搬出他們的家園。 5答: 你看比賽了嗎?B: 是的這是非常令人興奮。可惜我們隊輸了,不過。A: 是的我以為他們會贏得這次選舉。B: 我知道。但他們真的需要對他們的防禦工作。6你喜歡表明你在看我昨天晚上打電話的時候嗎?B: 是的它以為很有趣,我一直在想如何可以考慮鳥一樣飛翔,你得到的視頻印象你與他們有飛行。聽 2 頁 39r CD 2-81。在 9:30 下午今晚,一個專家小組將討論資訊的事態發展科技和如何創新要改變我們看電視的方式。如果你想知道關於技術的最新趨勢,這是為你的秀。2。我們會目前 10 上午,一部關於治療癌症的新紀錄片。它將報告主要在癌症研究中,包括 excitint breakthoughs新治療皮膚癌和有關抗癌的食物的資訊,你現在可能有你的廚房。如果你得了癌症,或知道的什麼人,請不要錯過這個程式。3。在 10:30,瞭解現代建築和一些主要的世紀建築師在世界各地的城市的影響。4。在亞足聯今晚是海瘋了,一個新的情景喜劇,關於 cruse 船在那裡一切都錯了。今晚,廚房工作人員罷工,和乘客要罷工,做飯,旅客得自己做飯-搞笑的結果。如果你想乘船,敬請期待這一個。5。今晚在 10 下午,僅在亞足聯,觀看最後一輪的遊戲節目質詢時間,二十的選手將出戰大獎一個百萬美元!他們會回答關於歷史、 動作、 運動,甚至數學問題。如果你愛的事實和瑣事,這是為你的表演。6.Laster tonight it’s America’s number one late night talk show. The night show Tonight’s guests movie star Stephanie Sanchez and rapper B cash B.Listening 3 Page40. CD 2-91.A : oh. That cooking show I like is on tonight I love chef on that program.B : Yeah, she’s that British chef, right? I really like her,too. I’ve tried some of her recipes. They were really good, and none of them were thqt difficult to make.2.A: Hey, Liz, do you watch that relity show. Who Wants to Marry me? The finale is on tonight!B: Well,honestly, I think those shows are really frustrating to watch The people on those shows fight all the time .A: Oh,I love watching them argue with each other ! But I guess you don’t want to watch it with me .B:No sorry.3.A: Are you going to watch the tennis match on Saturday afternoon? It looks like it’s going to be a good one .B: I know, but I don’t really enjoy wtching tennis on TV. I’d rather play tennis than watch it.4.A: Hey. There’s an interesting documentary about space travel on TV tomorrow. Let’s watch it .B: Okay. I love science documentaries. You learn so much more from them than you ever learn in school.5.A: Hey, that travel show is on tonight. You know th one-they follow this guy on his vacation, and he always tries to find the cheapest places to stay. Sometimes the places are dirty and full of bugs. It’s fun to watch.B: Actually,that doesn’t sound very interesting to me. I’d rather watch a show about staying at expensive hotels!6.A: Oh,that antiques show is on tonigh.B: I love that show. People bring their antique furniture and stuff. Sometimes their old junk turns our to be worth thousands of dollors. It’s really amazing .A: I think it’s Kind of boring. I’d rather watch something exciting,like an action movie—or sports.Pronunciation Page 41.CD 2-101. It was great 2. It was rerrible!3. It was one of the best episodes ever!4. I thought it was boring.CD 2-111. I thought it was pretty interesting 2. It was really frustrating to watch.3. That novel was truly amazing.4. That new move was frightening Dictation Page 41 CD 2-12 A: How do you like that new show that was on Wednesday night ? B: Oh, I thought it was really exciting! I can’t wait to find out why those people are on the island. What did you think? A: I didn’t think it was interesting at all. I was bored. B:Really? You thought it was boring? But there was so much drama and excitement! A: I think shows like that are frustrating to watch. You never know what’s going on . B: Oh, that excatly why I think they’re so fun to watch I can’t wat for next week’s show.
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
單位10:電視頁面38R CD 2-7
我等不及要看看明天會發生什麼。2 A:你看演出昨晚?B:我開始,但我有出去。你看到了嗎?答:是的B:誰贏得了大獎答:一個20歲的大學生。她贏得了一個新的汽車。3. 答:感覺如何給你看的晚上?B:這是瘋了!所有的節目的人都不斷地爭論,說對方意思的事情。我不知道為什麼會有人想上這樣的節目。答:我知道,我也沒有。你打算再看一遍?B:肯定。我想看看埃里卡和Lisa得到另一次戰鬥!4. 答:你聽說了發生在佛羅里達州?B:不,發生了什麼事?答:嗯,有昨天是一個巨大的颶風出現。真。這太可怕了!我知道了!而有一些大洪水,許多人不得不搬離自己的家園。5?答:你看比賽B:是的,這是非常令人興奮的。太糟糕了,我們的球隊輸了,但。答:是的,我認為他們會贏得這個時候。B:我知道。但他們真的需要工作,他們的防守。6 答:您是否喜歡這個節目,你在看的時候我昨晚叫什麼名字?B:是的,我認為這是非常有趣的,我一直不知道他們怎麼可以把飛鳥樣的視頻你得到的印象,你在那裡與他們飛了起來。聽2頁39R CD 2-8 1. 在今晚9時30分,一個專家小組將討論發展信息技術以及新的創新都將改變我們看電視,這樣如果你想了解最新的技術發展趨勢,這是展示給你。2. 晚上10點多,我們將介紹一個關於癌症新療法的紀錄片。它會在重大breakthoughs報告在癌症研究,包括excitint 皮膚癌和有關抗癌的食物,信息,新的治療方法,你可能在你的廚房現在。如果你有癌症或知道誰做,請不要錯過這個計劃。3. 在10:30,了解現代建築和一些主要的世紀建築師對周圍的世界。城市的影響4. 即將上亞冠今晚海瘋了,大約一個瓶來船這裡的一切不順心一個新的情景喜劇。今晚,廚房工作人員繼續罷工,而乘客要做飯罷工,而乘客必須自己做飯,與熱鬧的結果。如果你正在考慮採取的郵輪,敬請關注這一塊。5. 今晚10時,僅在亞冠,看最後一輪的比賽中展示提問時間,二十選手會發揮得大獎,一百萬美元!他們會回答有關歷史,運動,運動,甚至數學問題。如果你愛事實和瑣事,這是節目為您服務。6. 拉斯特今晚是美國的頭號深夜脫口秀節目,在晚上演出今晚的嘉賓電影明星斯蒂芬妮·桑切斯和說唱歌手乙現金B. 聽力3 Page40。CD 2-9 1. 答:哦。這烹飪節目我喜歡的是今晚我喜歡廚師這個程序上。B:是的,她是,英國廚師,對不對?我真的很喜歡她,太。我已經嘗試了一些她的食譜中。他們真的很不錯,和他們都不是thqt很難做出。2. A:嘿,莉茲,你看那個relity表演。誰願意嫁給我嗎?結局是今晚!B:嗯,說實話,我覺得這些節目都是很無奈上觀看這些節目的人打所有的時間答:哦,我喜歡看他們互相爭辯!但我猜你不想和我一起看。B:不後悔。3,答:你要觀看週六下午的網球比賽?它看起來像它的將是一個很好的一個。B:我知道,但我真的不喜歡在電視上wtching網球。我寧願打網球,不是看它。4. 答:嘿。有一個關於未來的電視上太空旅行的有趣的紀錄片。讓我們看。B:好的。我熱愛科學紀錄片。你學這麼多來自他們比你曾經在學校裡學習。5,A:嘿,那旅遊節目就是今晚。你知道屆一他們也跟著這傢伙在他的假期,他總是試圖找到住的最便宜的地方。有時,地方很髒,滿是蟲子。這是有趣的觀察。B:事實上,這聽起來很有意思的。我寧願看秀一下住在昂貴的酒店!6. A:哦,那古董展上tonigh B:我很喜歡這個節目。人們把他們的古董家具和東西。有時,他們的舊垃圾變成我們的是價值數千dollors的。這真是太神奇了。答:我認為這是一種無聊的。我寧願看一些令人興奮的,就像動作電影或體育。發音頁41.CD 2-10 1 這是偉大的2。這是rerrible!3。這是有史以來最好的劇集之一!4。我認為這是無聊的。CD 2-11 1 我認為這是非常有趣的2。這是很無奈觀看。3。這小說是了不起的事情。4。這一新舉措是可怕的聽寫頁41 CD 2-12 答:你怎麼這樣的新節目,這是在週三晚上?B:哦,我還以為是真正令人興奮的!我迫不及待地想找出為什麼那些人都在島上。你怎麼看?答:我不認為這是有趣的。我很無聊。乙:真的嗎?你以為這是無聊的?但是,有這麼多的戲劇和興奮!答:我覺得這樣的節目是令人沮喪的觀看。你永遠不知道發生了什麼事情。B:哦,那excatly為什麼我認為他們是如此讓人賞心悅目,我不能笏下週的節目。

結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
單元10:電視頁面38r CD 2-7

聽力2頁39r CD 2-8

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