Our apartments are perfect in every detail — hot and cold water, private baths, special hall service for every floor, elevators, and all that.
pick out:
1. choose
- She picked out a bottle of wine that she particularly liked.
- I’m going to pick out a few books for my friend in Shanghai.
2. distinguish from surrounding persons, objects, etc.
- At once I picked out my elder sister in the crowd.
- 他的房子有一扇黑色的大门,很容易从其余的房子中区别出来。(His house is easily picked out from the rest for it has a large black door.)
- When walking in the company of other men, there must be one I can learn something from. I shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome my own.
(三人行, 必有我师焉。择其善者而从之, 其不善者而改之。)
pick and steal 扒窃
pick out 选择
pick up 拾起
pick up with 在偶然机会认识
discreetly: adv. carefully and sensibly; considerately; not too obviously
- His utterances were discreetly academic.
- A detective was sent discreetly to make inquiries about Miss Hutton’s financial situation.
- The industrial areas were discreetly apart, concealed from residential and recreational portions of the town.
inquiry: n. request for help or information; investigation
- I am making some inquiries about the train schedule.
- I suggest that you make a careful inquiry into the damage once again.
- I advise you make thorough inquiry about the enterprise before you embark on it.
inquiry about 请求帮助;询问
inquiry into 调查;查究
on inquiry 经打听;经询问
replacement: n. person or thing that replaces another
- A good deal of old equipment needed junking and replacement.
- Robot hands are a replacement for human hands, and wheels from a car are a replacement for human feet.