Overall, the mean CO2 emissions per spectator for the on-CFE was (M = 12.67 kg, SD = 20.21 kg,n = 253) and (M = 4.46 kg, SD = 4.45 kg, n = 235) for the off-CFE (see Table 4). The mean CO2emissions per spectator by transportation mode and location are shown in Table 2. Two differencesbetween locations are: (1) for the carpool mode, the mean CO2 emissions per spectator for on-CFEwas (M = 17.73 kg, SD = 20.44 kg, n = 151), whereas, for off-CFE, carpool mode was (M = 4.62 kg,SD = 4.68 kg, n = 214); and (2) the bus mode mean for the on-CFE was (M = 0.40 kg, SD = 0.18 kg,n = 8) versus (M = 2.69 kg, SD = 0 kg, n = 21) for the off-CFE (see Table 2).The mean CO2 emissions per spectator for the miles traveled groups was similar for the “80 milesor more” group at both locations. Only the “20 to 40 miles” traveled group was common in on- andoff-CFE, which was used for comparison.
Overall, the mean CO2 emissions per spectator for the on-CFE was (M = 12.67 kg, SD = 20.21 kg,<br>n = 253) and (M = 4.46 kg, SD = 4.45 kg, n = 235) for the off-CFE (see Table 4). The mean CO2<br>emissions per spectator by transportation mode and location are shown in Table 2. Two differences<br>between locations are: (1) for the carpool mode, the mean CO2 emissions per spectator for on-CFE<br>was (M = 17.73 kg, SD = 20.44 kg, n = 151), whereas, for off-CFE, carpool mode was (M = 4.62 kg,<br>SD = 4.68 kg, n = 214); and (2) the bus mode mean for the on-CFE was (M = 0.40 kg, SD = 0.18 kg,<br>n = 8) versus (M = 2.69 kg, SD = 0 kg, n = 21) for the off-CFE (see Table 2).<br>The mean CO2 emissions per spectator for the miles traveled groups was similar for the “80 miles<br>或多個“基團在兩個位置。只有“20到40英里”行進組中的導通和是共同<br>關-CFE,將其用於比較。