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For years, I've been at the forefront of cutting-edge research and integrated wellness practices on what it really takes to lose weight, keep it off and restore your body to optimal health.
I've packaged all of my knowledge, recipes, tips, tricks -- and even my favorite, proven supplements -- into a 21-Day Weight Loss Program. In just three short weeks, you'll get fast results - dropping 10-15 pounds, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, sleeping better, having vibrant energy and more. These are truly my secrets to reprogramming your body quickly.
Step-by-step videos of simple exercises you can do at home (without costly equipment)
Healthy, easy-to-make, gourmet recipes to support your weight loss created by a personal chef
My entire popular and proven Fit, Fun and Fabulous Weight Loss Kit including a workbook, cookbook and journal
Information from guest experts like Lesley Woodof Weight-Masters
Inflammation 911 supplement from my natural pharmacy
Tri-Mag supplement from my natural pharmacy
Essential Fats supplement from my natural pharmacy
BONUS: Meditation and relaxation CD
This is a clear-cut, effective, whole foods-based action plan that will naturally re-set your body and your habits.
Get started with me here.
To YOUR Health,
Please click here to watch the latest Vlog.
Please share with friends on Facebook who would benefit!
Dr. Kathleen Hartford
Health Pyramid Longevity and Vitality Center
& Health Pyramid Productions
5237 Veteran's Lane
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
(724) 295-2100 (w)
Give us a call and learn more today!
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Dr. Kathleen A. Hartford | 5237 Veterans Lane | Natrona Heights | PA | 16065
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