1. Introduction
In recent years the potential socio-economic impact of disasters in urban areas has increased many-fold because of increased population, settlements in high risk areas, technological risks, built environments density (Mileti, 1999), and highly engineered environment and infrastructure (Prieto, 2002). Modern cities are complex and rely on inter-dependent systems including a mix of utilities, transportation, and telecommunication infrastructure, commercial and residential building, making them extremely vulnerable. As a result, the damage caused by disasters has the tendency to
Supporting disaster response and recovery
Structural Survey Vol. 26 No. 5, 2007
pp. 411-425
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
0263-080X DOI 10.1108/02630800810922757
SS 26,5
increase many-fold because of the cascading effect resulting from interdependency between components in metropolitan areas. For instance, the cascading disasters that followed Hurricane Katrina resulted in no electricity, no running water, and no means of communication with the outside world or within the city itself (Price, 2006). All this makes the process of predicting or estimating damage and planning an effective disaster response very difficult. Wrong estimation of the severity and scope of work resulting from a disaster can have disastrous consequences.
During disaster response operations, first responders are often confronted with unfamiliar and often hostile work environments such as large and distributed areas, unpredictable and dynamic work demand and work under high time pressure and stressful situations. Disaster response under such adverse conditions has often been inadequate (McKinsey, 2002; NCSEA, 2003). Various limitations of existing disaster response operations as cited in the literature are summarized in Figure 1. Many shortcomings of the existing disaster response operation result from the fact that first responders at individual, team, and organizational levels are unable to develop a depth of understanding of the situation that would allow them to make comprehensive decisions and respond in a holistically appropriate manner (Son and Pena-Mora, 2006). Responders operating in inhospitable and chaotic disaster environments need answers to questions like where am I? What do we know about the scene? What hazards exist? Where are other responders located? Where are the victims? (Betts et al., 2005). Without adequate answers to such questions and overall awareness of the Situation, disaster responders run the risk of becoming casualties themselves because they do not know enough about the incident scene when they arrive (NAP, 2006). However, current disaster management procedures rely primarily on heuristics which result in their strategies being very cautious and sub-optimum in terms of saving life, minimizing damage and returning the building to its normal function. Recent disaster events have shown that existing disaster response procedures that rely primarily on heuristics result in a response that is often too general and not adapted to the specific situation. “For instance, when a major incident, such as a significant earthquake, occurs, predetermined, static plans are usually brought into operation and any flexibility of response is limited by the ability and competence of those at the scene of the incident to gather relevant data and make appropriate judgments” (Aziz et al., 2004). The gap resulting from demands imposed by inter-dependent urban environments and existing independent and static approaches to disaster response, result in communication and collaboration problems, negative impact on work-flows, low productivity, economic and human losses. Similarly, when assessment of the disaster situation is carried out, it is generally done independently by a number of individual organizations. Often each agency limits its assessment to those observations of direct consequence to that particular organization without sharing or pooling such information. Thus, an overall picture of the scope, severity, and types of disruption and damage does not emerge early in the crisis, affecting the overall response process. Against this background, this paper argues that the theoretical construct of situation awareness (SA) (Endsley and Garland, 2000) can be effectively applied to existing disaster response operations to contrive how to improve them, and to better understand the process of responders’ reaction against complex and
dynamic situations.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: section 2 discusses the concept of situation awareness in current disaster response situations and its various sources.
1.介紹近幾年在城市地區的災害的潛在社會經濟影響具有增加的人口,住區在高風險地區,技術風險,建立環境密度 (Mileti,1999年),和高度工程化的環境和基礎設施 (普列托,2002年) 的增加的多倍。現代城市是複雜的依靠相互依存的系統,包括公用事業、 運輸和電信基礎設施,各種商業及住宅的建設,使他們極易。因此,災害所造成的損害有發展的趨勢 支援救災和恢復411 結構調查第 26 卷第 5 2007第 411-425q 翡翠集團出版有限公司0263-080 X DOI 10.1108/02630800810922757 SS 26.5412 由於在大都市區的元件之間的相互依存產生級聯效應增加多倍。例如,卡特裡娜颶風過後的級聯災害導致沒有電、 沒有自來水和沒辦法交流與外部世界或本身 (價格,2006 年) 在城市之內。這一切使預測或估計損傷和規劃有效救災非常困難的過程。估計錯誤的嚴重程度和造成的災害的工作範圍可以帶來災難性的後果。During disaster response operations, first responders are often confronted with unfamiliar and often hostile work environments such as large and distributed areas, unpredictable and dynamic work demand and work under high time pressure and stressful situations. Disaster response under such adverse conditions has often been inadequate (McKinsey, 2002; NCSEA, 2003). Various limitations of existing disaster response operations as cited in the literature are summarized in Figure 1. Many shortcomings of the existing disaster response operation result from the fact that first responders at individual, team, and organizational levels are unable to develop a depth of understanding of the situation that would allow them to make comprehensive decisions and respond in a holistically appropriate manner (Son and Pena-Mora, 2006). Responders operating in inhospitable and chaotic disaster environments need answers to questions like where am I? What do we know about the scene? What hazards exist? Where are other responders located? Where are the victims? (Betts et al., 2005). Without adequate answers to such questions and overall awareness of the Situation, disaster responders run the risk of becoming casualties themselves because they do not know enough about the incident scene when they arrive (NAP, 2006). However, current disaster management procedures rely primarily on heuristics which result in their strategies being very cautious and sub-optimum in terms of saving life, minimizing damage and returning the building to its normal function. Recent disaster events have shown that existing disaster response procedures that rely primarily on heuristics result in a response that is often too general and not adapted to the specific situation. “For instance, when a major incident, such as a significant earthquake, occurs, predetermined, static plans are usually brought into operation and any flexibility of response is limited by the ability and competence of those at the scene of the incident to gather relevant data and make appropriate judgments” (Aziz et al., 2004). The gap resulting from demands imposed by inter-dependent urban environments and existing independent and static approaches to disaster response, result in communication and collaboration problems, negative impact on work-flows, low productivity, economic and human losses. Similarly, when assessment of the disaster situation is carried out, it is generally done independently by a number of individual organizations. Often each agency limits its assessment to those observations of direct consequence to that particular organization without sharing or pooling such information. Thus, an overall picture of the scope, severity, and types of disruption and damage does not emerge early in the crisis, affecting the overall response process. Against this background, this paper argues that the theoretical construct of situation awareness (SA) (Endsley and Garland, 2000) can be effectively applied to existing disaster response operations to contrive how to improve them, and to better understand the process of responders’ reaction against complex and動態的情況。本文的其餘部分組織如下: 第 2 節討論了在當前救災情勢和其各種來源的情境意識的概念。