ARMY EMERGENCY BAILOUT PARACHUTE10-123. The advanced emergency bailout parachute is a lightweight emergency parachute with a 26-foot extended skirt canopy. The canopy is made from low-porosity material that is vacuum sealed to protect the main canopy from physical and environmental hazards. The canopy assembly consists of a main canopy, cross connector straps, a slider, diaper, steering handles, upper risers, and suspension lines made of ultra- high, molecular-weight polyethylene material. The container is made up of tear-resistant material and is used to store the sealed canopy assembly and pilot chute. The harness is used for securing the supporting the Airborne Soldier.10-124. After an emergency bailout, the jumper manually pulls the rip cord handle, which removes the rip cord from the closing loop and initiates the parachute deployment process. This allows the spring-loaded pilot parachute to open the flaps and spring out into the air current.10-125. As the jumper falls away from the inflated pilot chute, the pilot parachute bridle cord pulls on the sealed canopy bridle cords. This opens the vacuum-sealed bag, extracting the suspension lines from the deployment bag, followed by the main canopy. Upon deployment of the main canopy, a slider attached to the suspension lines will slide down towards the jumper, reducing canopy opening shock. The main canopy will inflate.When force is applied to the soft links, the main canopy will inflate. During descent, the jumper can use the steering handles located on the back side of the rear risers to maneuver the parachute to a desired landing site. Upon landing, the jumper doffs the AEBP System by releasing the three quick-ejector snaps (chest and two leg straps) Information relating the AEBP can be found in TM 10-1670-332-23&P.INSPECTION CRITERIA10-126. Each jumpmaster performing safety duties using the AEBP System is required to watch the AEBP training video that was provided with the rigger new equipment training during fielding. The following procedures are the inspection criteria for the AEBP. The parachute should always be inspected prior to being donned. If there are ANY discrepancies with the parachute, remove the system from service. (See figure 10-11 on page 10-36.) Figure 10-11. AEPB components