Adjust your options to match the image above.
Cell Contents
Options in this box will determine how data is imported into your drawing from your external
Convert Data Formats to Text, Solve Formulas in Excel
Imports Microsoft Excel data as text with data calculated from formulas in Excel (supported data
formats not attached).
Allow Writing to Source File
Specifies that the DATALINKUPDATE command can be used to upload any changes made to
linked data in your drawing to the original external spreadsheet.
Cell Formatting
Use Excel Formatting
Specifies that any formatting specified in the original XLS, XLSX, or CSV file will be brought into
your drawing. When this option is not selected, the table style formatting specified in the Insert
Table dialog box is applied.
Keep Table Updated to Excel Formatting
If the option above is selected, updates any changed formatting when the DATALINKUPDATE
command is used.