How To Create a Great Sounding Track Using EQsInstruments that have a higher fundamental, will also contain information in the lowerfrequencies as well. The lower frequencies that these sounds contain may be muddying up yourlows. Performing a simple high pass will give your bass sounds more room to punch. Instead ofperforming specific cuts or boosts, use the high and low pass filters will remove unneededfrequencies on a broader scale.When you want to find problems that exist within a track in your mix, EQ sweeps is thesolution. When you are applying this technique, Make sure you stay focused on the problemyou’re trying to cut. Boosting the gain in any area will make parts sound less than ideal. Don’t cuteverything that sounds bad automatically. Stick to pinpointing one specific fix at a time.Keep your bandwidth narrow for cuts. Remember that a cut is removing information from youraudio, so the wider your bandwidth (Q), the more character you’re removing from a sound. Onlycut what you need to. As a rule of thumb try to keep your cuts no more drastic than 3dB.Anything more can be a little heavy-handed. But, as always, there are no real 'rules' and it’salways the taster’s choice.Try wide bandwidths for boosts. Boosting with a narrow bandwidth can make frequencies stickout like a sore thumb in the mix. A wider bandwidth (Q) helps to make your boosts a bit morenatural to the ear.