What's it like?” Clara asked the Doctor curiously. She had heard about it, of course, about what it did but she had never seen it for herself.
He only shrugged in reply. “Hard to explain. Wanna try it?”
Clara shook her head, somehow finding the idea of it appalling without being able to really explain why. “No, not tonight. Maybe some other time.”
Suddenly that smile was back on the face, the one he had given her earlier while stroking her thigh in the car. “Wanna try something else?” the Doctor asked sheepishly.
Clara chuckled. “What are you thinking about?”
Without further warning the Doctor bent forward and locked their lips in a kiss. She was surprised at first and the sensation made her heart flutter wildly inside her chest when he opened his mouth and trailed his tongue over her lips. He was so careful, so soft that Clara couldn't help but open up to him. His hand soon wandered to her head, cupping her cheek and pulling her even closer to him. Clara closed her eyes and let it happen.
She was only vaguely aware that the others were still present, that they saw everything and in the back of her mind she thought she heard Amy cheer but she didn't care. She was kissing the Doctor and she was loving it more with every second that their kiss deepened. Clara had kissed before, but not quite like this and it was exciting and frightening at the same time.
Finally, when she already seemed to run out of breath their lips parted and the Doctor's mouth wandered to her ear instead. She almost gasped when he placed a short kiss right next to it and his low voice made her shiver all over.
“Do you want to go somewhere more private?” he asked in a whisper.
“Where?” she breathed, a smile on her lips. Having the Doctor so close to her made her a little flustered and the tingling between her thighs she had already become familiar with was only increasing when the Doctor nipped at her lobe.
“I want to take care of you,” he whispered, his breath hot on her skin, “In the bedroom. Like you deserve it.”
Clara swallowed as she turned her head in his direction and when she looked at him she thought she saw the same hesitation on his features that she felt inside of her. It looked downright adorable on him.
But it was there for a reason. They had only known each other for less than two weeks, they lived together and they would have to continue to live together afterwards. Yet she had been attracted to him right from the beginning and right now Clara believed that the Doctor probably fancied her, too, at least a little. They would just continue to pine after each other so they might as well get it over with and try.