In conclusion, following the ecessary explanations presented to the prospective teachers about gender and media literacy, they have been asked for their opinions on the necessity of these subjects in teacher training. When assessed in general terms, opinions about this issue demonstrate that prospective teachers regard the subjects of gender equality and media literacy as necessary on account of the fact that the profession of teaching bears both individual and social responsibilities.In this study, in an attempt to determine the objectives, content and instructional activities and/or ractices of 'Gender-Aware Media Literacy Training', the training needs of prospective teachers have been tried to be based on a scientific ground. In consequence of literature review and research conducted, it hasbecome evident that training needs related to the subjects of media literacy and gender equality are present, on the part of prospective teachers. However, since the research has been conducted by qualitative methods, the generalization of the results is out of question. Training needs of prospective teachers can be analyzed on broader samplings, both in gender equality and media literacy.