(爬山時)C: 我們要走快一點,the weather seems to be rainyB:等等,我沒辦法走那麼快,等等我!A:是阿,once we walk too fast, he will separate himself from usC: I don’t care ,誰叫他平常不運動,現在爬不動了,哈哈!B: wait for me(之後B迷路A、C)A:看吧,他脫隊了,這下要怎麼辦?C: I’ve told him exercising is important, but he never cares that.A:所以呢? 也不能這樣丟下他吧?(電話響了!)C: Hello?B: It’s me C, where are you guys, I’m at a lost!C: 你現在在哪裡? 我們去找你,OK?B: 我不知道我在哪裡,I feel helpless now.A: 不急慢慢來,你看一下以身邊有甚麼路標或號誌之類的B: 我在一尊佛像前面A:好,知道了B:那我們要快一點,the weather seems to get awful.