Which sentence is false?
Flamenco is a dance created from gypsies and Spanish people.
Bharata-Natyam is an abstract dance.
The teacher in a dance class demonstrates leadership through sharing her experiences with her students and being an example.
Flamenco is a sense of life.
This question may require more than one answer.
TWO of the following sentences are true about improvisation and the meaning of dance. Which TWO sentences below are true?
Breaking the rhythm of a dance alone is a sign of leadership and changes the meaning of dance.
Simone Forti's use of improvisation in the 1960's by setting rules, using objects and text helped to expand the meaning of dance by leading society to view differently the way in which bodies and objects related to one another.
Improvisation is not helpful when trying to change the meaning of dance.
Flamenco uses improvisation to allow for personal passionate rhythmic responses that show personal meanings through movement.
Experiment with leading through discovering how you initiate movement in your own body. Raise your hand as you would in class and see which one of the sentences below is most likely NOT how you would kinesthetically sense your own movement initiation. You want to identify which statement below would NOT be one of the most common initiations when you are simply raising your hand in class.
I sense my head go back as I look to the ceiling.
I sense my shoulder initiating the movement by lifting before my fingertips.
I sense my fingertips initiating the movement by going upwards.
I sense my breath initiating the movement; I breathe, then become aware of my fingertips and then raise my arm up.
Which of these did NOT occur in the videos you watched?
Ideas of softening, surrendering and exploring; the use of improvisation to create a movement piece where words and movement come together; creating a sense of community; letting something happen through listening to the body.
A dancer learning one on one from her teacher the classical dance of Bharata-Natyam.
Dancers performing the ballet Swan Lake.
Dancers clapping their palms together; stamping their feet; dancing to the piano.