Format string too long
Error creating variant array
Variant is not an array
Variant array index out of bounds
External exception %x
Assertion failed
Interface not supported
%s (%s, line %d)
Abstract Error
Division by zero
Range check error
Integer overflow
Invalid floating point operation
Floating point division by zero
Floating point overflow
Floating point underflow
Invalid pointer operation
Invalid class typecast
Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
Stack overflow
Control-C hit
Privileged instruction
Operation aborted
Exception %s in module %s at %p.
Application Error
'%s' is not a valid integer value
'%s' is not a valid floating point value
'%s' is not a valid date
'%s' is not a valid time
'%s' is not a valid date and time
Invalid argument to time encode
Invalid argument to date encode
Out of memory
I/O error %d
File not found
Invalid filename
Too many open files
File access denied
Read beyond end of file
Disk full
Invalid numeric input