In terms of engagement experiences, brands may invite consumers to experience branded content, called branded entertainment, in the context of social networks, a virtual world or social game. Using play theory as a conceptual basis, Zhang (2010) conducted an exploratory content analysis of branded entertainment content features in Facebook. He found that 70% of brands utilized branded entertainment on Facebook and that traditional play themes found in entertainment were present in branded entertainment on Facebook.Some research suggests that branded entertainment, particularly advergames and other opt-in interactive experiences, provide uninterrupted sensory immersion that can benefit the brand by extending the time the consumer spends with the brand message (Nelson, Keum, & Yaros, 2004). Dahl, Eagle, and Baez (2009) described advergames as electronic games with embedded commercial messages that aim to form an emotional connection between the game and brand featured within it. Achievements in advergames, often represented by trophies or badges, can provide affirmation, group identification, and help shape user activities (Antin & Churchill, 2011).