Before the meeting last week, we could not be sure what the reaction of the Trustees would be and so Dr. Fenn and I went up to see. I.M. to get his advice in this situation. With his usual resourcefulness and understanding of the problem we might be facing, he came up with several suggestions of possible alternatives which by reducing the cost of the gymnasium itself might make it possible to provide for a pool. Although these no longer need consideration, you will be interested to know what they were: 1) a one-floor gymnasium, on grade without excavation; 2) an excavated basement using short span and low ceiling, to be used for looker rooms and offices thus eliminating the connecting building; 3) putting the swimming-pool under the gymnasium; 4) having an open-air pool. He said he would try to write you about these and you may already have heard from him, but of course these ideas no longer apply in the light of the Trustees decision. It may be, however, that among them there will be something which you will find useful when you come down to the final drawings with the knowledge of the dual purpose for which this building is to be used, (Incidentally, the $170,000 which is available does not include the cost of the filtration system which we expect the Asia Foundation to provide, but it is expected to cover equipment - athletic and also the chairs etc. that will be needed for assembly purposes).