surface, especially in dry cutting [32]. This feed would produce surface roughness values that are closeto the values attained by cylindrical grinding (0.35–0.4 µm, Ra). Machining tests were carried out on anOkuma CNC centre lathe. A digital tool maker’s microscope, with a resolution of 0.01 mm, was usedto measure the tool flank wear land width. Machining tests were stopped at 0.2 mm flank wear toavoid any adverse effect on the workpiece accuracy and the surface roughness [33]. Wear curves wereplotted against the machining time, in minutes. The presented values of tool flank wear were basedon the average value of three different measurements; the uncertainty of the measurements was 6%.Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to study the wear patterns of the ceramic cutting toolsat the different used cutting speeds.