Groups of 4 to 6 students<br><br>Things to include:<br>- A PPT that includes all of the following and does it in an interesting or creative way. Print one copy for me of your PPT 6 slides to a page!<br>- A summary paragraph of the story of your dialogue<br>- A dialogue written in correct grammar that sounds like natural English speech<br>- 8+ new idioms in your dialogue that you explain and teach to the class<br>- Definitions and descriptions of idioms. Include example sentences and any synonyms or interesting examples of idioms with the opposite meanings<br>- Sample questions, either vocabulary or comprehension questions. You may arrange to play a game with the class with this.<br><br>Your group should present this to the class in a presentation lasting roughly 10 to 15 minutes. Involve the other students in the class and engage the audience to make your presentations interesting.<br><br>Good luck!