Dissimilar metal joints (DMJs) are common in the field of aerospace,nuclear, marine (ship building), bio-medical due to its superior mechanical and thermal properties. Structural integrity and reliability ofthe structures primarily relies on the failure analysis to evaluate theremaining life and strength. Jingjie et al., [1] carried out crack propagation studies to assess the safety and integrity of the components byevaluating the crack opening stress. Stress intensity factor (SIF) plays aprimary role to evaluate the failure of the components which can bedetermined by using the linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM)analysis. Stress state in the vicinity of the crack front influences thenature of crack three dimensionally in realistic nature based on thegeometric and material discontinuities in the dissimilar metal plate(DMP) [2]. The study of stress at the vicinity around the crack of dissimilar metal is limited. SIF is limiting the fracture criterion to evaluatethe strength of the material by the stress distribution at the vicinity ofthe crack tip. In case of DMJs, there should be strength mismatch effect.Subsequently, the strength mismatch can lead to increases in life of thecomponent by slowly allowing the crack growth rather than homogeneous base materials. Crack propagation studies has significant rolein the fatigue life assessment of marine structure under service cycleloading [1]. And also, the failure of the structural components may alsooccur in the metal at joint location.Finite element method (FEM) can solve the problems of a structureor structural component having complex geometry made up of two ormore materials and subjected to variety of loadings [3]. Dissimilarmetal joining have the complexities in the construction of finite element(FE) models with respect to the material discontinuity, geometry of thespecimen, loading and crack geometry. In addition to that, the DMJs actas composites. Capturing the stress field at the interface of variousmaterials is a challenging task and failure mechanism of such kind iscomplex to predict [4]. SIF has significance in the study of structuralintegrity and life assessment of the components. SIF is the prima facie inthe LEFM based on the crack tip stress field [5]. Alwar et al. [2],evaluated the SIFs for the through thickness center cracked DMP byassessing the accuracy of the approximations by 2-D FEA. Albrecht et al.[6], stated that, closed form solution of SIF is difficult to find and theanalysis of center cracked plate with finite width under bending iscarried out numerically whereas polynomial distribution is consideredusing weight function method. Simple models were developed forcenter cracked finite width homogeneous plate by Huang et al. [7], to