Recent years, in order to meet the flexibility of industrial productions,grid structures with suspended cranes are increasingly used inindustrial plants, as shown in Fig. 1. The bolted spherical joint (BSJ)originated as the node in the German Mero system, and is widely in gridstructures for its reasonable stress distribution, easy installation andnon-welding feature in site [20,21]. It consists of high-strength bolts,bolted sphere, fastening screws, sleeves, cones or sealing plates, asshown in Fig. 2. However, fatigue damage of grid structures with suchjoints is likely to occur in a high-strength bolt under the alternatingactions of suspension cranes, since the strength and stiffness of the steelsphere are much higher than that of the bolts. Yang et al. [22] studiedthe fatigue failure characteristics of M22 high-strength bolts in BSJsunder different stress ranges. Yang et al. [23,24] conducted constantamplitude fatigue tests to study the fatigue behavior of high-strengthbolts using Amsler1200 fatigue testing machine, and the correspondingfatigue S-N curve was provided and the fractographic analysis wasperformed. Qiu et al. [25] investigated the fatigue performance differencesof M30 high-strength bolts between screwed into sphere forthree threads and for ten threads, respectively, the results showed thatthe fatigue life of bolts that were screwed into sphere for three threads