In the second experiment, the point of congruence was not the seem- ingly obvious match between the muscular strength or power of the spokesperson and the strength dimensions of the product. Had this been the critical match, the effects would have been limited to specific types of products (i.e., those having strength attributes). Instead, the match appears to have been between the increased stamina associated with a muscular, healthy person and a more prevalent durability or stamina attribute of products. The observance of a durability effect rather than a strength effect may be directly related to the execution style of the treatment advertisements. In the pictures used in these advertisements, the spokesperson is standing, facing the camera in a nondynamic, mo- tionless pose. This pose simply may have not exhibited the muscular strength (or nonstrength) of the spokesperson to any significant degree. Instead, the variation between the photographs in the treatments that conveyed different degrees of durability may have been the differences in the muscle mass of the spokesperson