10-29. The JM then comes to the door in a relaxed position, continues observing outside the aircraft spotting for reference points en route to the DZ. In the absence of reference points and checkpoints, they use additional time advisories from the air crew, which was identified during the air mission briefing. The JM relays time warnings to the jumpers by leaning back inside the aircraft, keeping his or her foot centered on the platform, facing the jumpers, and calls off the one-minute and 30-second time warning, As well as giving the proper arm-and-hand signal for each time warning.10-30. Once the doors are open and the JMs are conducting their door checks, safeties will have all the jumpers close in tight, reducing the interval between the No. 1 jumper and the paratroop door. Jumpers will maintain the proper interval.10-31. The JM will lock out their elbows to properly conduct outside air safety checks. The safety will also lock their elbows while checking for towed jumpers after each pass.10-32. The loadmaster should relay time warnings to the JM or safety by using hand signals. The exact hand signals must be coordinated between the JM and loadmaster during the aircrew brief. One-minute time warning—with the elbow locked out, the index finger extended vertically. 30-second time warning—with the elbow locked out, the index finger and thumb held closely together.
10-29. The JM then comes to the door in a relaxed position, continues observing outside the aircraft spotting for reference points en route to the DZ. In the absence of reference points and checkpoints, they use additional time advisories from the air crew, which was identified during the air mission briefing. The JM relays time warnings to the jumpers by leaning back inside the aircraft, keeping his or her foot centered on the platform, facing the jumpers, and calls off the one-minute and 30-second time warning, As well as giving the proper arm-and-hand signal for each time warning.<br><br>10-30. Once the doors are open and the JMs are conducting their door checks, safeties will have all the jumpers close in tight, reducing the interval between the No. 1 jumper and the paratroop door. Jumpers will maintain the proper interval.<br><br>10-31。該JM將鎖定他們的胳膊肘適當進行室外空氣進行安全檢查。安全也將鎖定自己的肘部,同時檢查每次穿過後拖曳跳線。<br><br>10-32。該裝卸長應使用手勢信號繼電器時警告到JM或安全。確切的手勢必須機組短暫的期間JM和裝卸長之間進行協調。<br>一分鐘時間警告-用肘部鎖定,食指垂直延伸。<br>30秒時警告,用肘部鎖定,食指和拇指緊緊固定在一起。