問卷調查內容,涵蓋民眾對外食餐飲需求,消費行為的程度與管道,餐飲外送APP的應用情形與民眾們對於外送社群網路的口碑傳播與資訊參與行為。Questionnaire content, covering people of foreign food dining needs, consumer behavior and the extent of the pipeline, outside catering send APP application scenarios and the people who for outgoing social network of word of mouth and information involved in behavior.Questionnaire content, covering the people's external food and beverage demand, the degree of consumption behavior and pipeline, the application of food and beverage delivery APP and the public for the delivery community network word-of-mouth dissemination and information participation behavior.The content of the questionnaire includes the public's demand for food and beverage, the degree and channel of consumption behavior, the application of food and beverage delivery app and the public's word-of-mouth communication and information participation behavior for the delivery community network.
問卷調查內容,涵蓋民眾對外食餐飲需求,消費行為的程度與管道,餐飲外送APP的應用情形與民眾們對於外送社群網路的口碑傳播與資訊參與行為。<br><br>Questionnaire content, covering people of foreign food dining needs, consumer behavior and the extent of the pipeline, outside catering send APP application scenarios and the people who for outgoing social network of word of mouth and information involved in behavior.<br><br>Questionnaire content, covering the people's external food and beverage demand, the degree of consumption behavior and pipeline, the application of food and beverage delivery APP and the public for the delivery community network word-of-mouth dissemination and information participation behavior.<br><br>問卷的內容包括公眾對食品和飲料,程度和消費行為,食品和飲料交付應用程序的應用和大眾的口碑口碑和信息的傳遞社區網絡參與行為的需求通道。