Gergor is the family breadwinner. he does not like traveling salesman. Later he understood himself into an insect, he did not complains about his situation was, did not want to make their own way back into humans, he quickly adapted to have accepted that he is an insect of this fact.
He was thinking, he felts his body has become a new body, turned into an insect body. Is master gergor faced conflicts in this story. He found himself hiding in the sofa in the dark just like insects, but also conceal feel comfortable. He also found that he likes to crawl on walls and ceilings. His humanity has not completely disappeared, for him as people's memories are still there. Even his mother and sister took the furniture, he got up like this is more convenient, but he still felt so inferior to his previous writing desk is more comfortable. He climbed on a photograph of a woman, the symbol he did not want to let go of his humanity. Finally, if he disappears, he thought it was good for the family, did not complain after death.