From the question above, I would like to anchor four main issues. The first issue is one of the hot discussed topics which is ‘marketing is a discipline in crisis’ that may probably change your previous perception or believe regarding traditional marketing as a successful way of marketing. As a matter of fact, marketing is indeed a discipline in crisis because marketers come out with unethical tactical advertisements. These advertisements tend to manipulate the black box of target consumers and pushing consumers to buy, buy and buy without really care about the whether the consumers really need it (Grönroos, 2006). From here we can see that traditional marketing feature three hallmarks that are contradict to the social value which is profit-oriented based, Friedman’s shareholders theory and overconsumption. The second issue is whether ‘sustainable business’ is a dead ringer of ‘sustainability of business’. Although the question above distinct it clearly, there will only be a slim difference between sustainable and sustainability marketing that is less than clear. Basically, sustainable business is a concern on short term whereas sustainability is a focus on long term. On the other hand, sustainable business focuses on the hard value while sustainability of business is more concern on the soft value. The third issue is how far can an organization go? A Crisis without the shift or a crisis due to the shift? Under this part, there will be a discussion regarding whether there will be a shift and how will the shift be. The vacuum between sustainable and sustainability factors that causing the shift and the consequences of shifting.