BORESCOPE ACCESS PORTSIt is possible to visually examine the engine at different positions by the use of borescope equipment. There are 4 borescope access ports on the IP compressor case. They are located on the right side with access via the right thrust reverser half and right bottom gas generator fairing. The HP compressor has 4 borescope access ports. They are located on the compressor case, on the lower right hand side, with access via the right thrust half reverser. There are 8 combustion chamber access ports located radially around the combustion outer case. Three of these access ports are occupied by T30 thermocouples. The 2 igniter ports could be used as borescope ports. There are 2 access ports to view the HP turbine. They are both located on the lower right hand side of the core, one on the HP turbine case, the other on the IP turbine case. There are 2 access ports to view the IP turbine located on the lower right hand side of the core. The one on the IP turbine case lets the IP turbine blade leading edge be seen. The front access port on the LP turbine lets the IP turbine trailing edge be seen. There are 4 access ports on the LP turbine case, lower right hand side to view the LP turbine assembly.