You probably colored (the transparency.
think, what’s dark areas are The saturation
the use of the refractions of of the color has
refraction color the black envi- a huge impact
then? ronment!). on the look of
the refraction.
Well, set fog I usually use A very dark
options back pure white for saturated color
to default, and refract color and will look very
choose a red play only with similar to a very
refract color. Hit the fog options. dark unsaturated
render. But experiment color in the
with different color swatch, but
The glass is refract color/ it will be com-
colored too, but fog settings to pletely different
without the ab- see what they when used for
sorption effect. do. Remember, refract color or
Thin and thick dark refract fog color. Just
areas are equally color means less try it!