Prashant Shukla • @ John, Paul Entrepreneur means a passionate person willing to take risk but have patience. And I think these two qualities are shown by a person who has some very good years of his/her age when doing PhD. And as far as good ideas are concerned it should not be world changing idea. I started this discussion because if more PhDs go entreprenial way then first they would not only get employed but also provide employment to few others even if the number is very small initially. And it will also ease the job market in the long run. Things need to be changed for better even though it may take time and may result in some frustrated entrepreneurs coming back to the job market. But I think that this is the best way to generate new jobs and ease job market because what we need all over the world is release of pressure on economic front and then we may hopefully see many of tensions going away all around. It may be a fantasy of mine but I really think this is a sure way to bring about a change. Just keeping my fingers crossed.