Tree Recovery Detail Equipment (If Required)20-32. A deliberate risk assessment conducted by the Airborne commander will dictate the required equipment needed for the Airborne operation. Equipment can be altered to best accomplish the mission. The following personnel and equipment should be considered for the tree recovery detail:Ladder (12 feet minimum).One wood saw capable of cutting through at least a four-inch branch.Nylon rope, 120 feet.Two snap links.Pole climbing equipment.Safety belt and approved helmet.Chainsaw.CAUTIONAny personnel climbing trees with pole climbing equipment should be familiar or trained with the equipment prior to execution of the tree recovery. Personnel operating with unfamiliar pole climbing equipment can seriously injure themselves from a fall, or unsecured equipment or tree limbs falling on personnel on the ground.Note. These requirements may be supplemented based on the type of drop, size of operation, number of aircraft, number of jumpers, and obstacles on or within 1000 meters of the drop zone.