The purpose of this research is to assist the elementary visually impaired students to learn to type a word, where the students areinitially unable to utilize the computer, thus requiring the application to help the learning process. The process of applyinggamification is included understanding the target audience and the context, defining learning objectives, structuring the experience,identify resources, and applying gamification elements. Some typing applications for visually impaired people are consumingbraille, touchscreen, and delivered in English. As for some educational-based gamified applications have not supported typing forthe blind children especially in Indonesia. Therefore, in this contribution, a novel gamified application for typing is presented.Moreover, this application is delivered in Indonesian language. As a material for typing, this application consumes questions basedon the curriculum applied in Indonesia. This model is developed with utilized the Game Development Life Circle (GDLC) methodwhich includes initialization, pre-production, production, testing, and release. The application has been tested on severalrespondents. The respondents believe that this application is valuable, easy to use, and easy to understand.