In this exercise we will code a simple example of an abstract class, and two other classes that inherit from it.To focus on the concept of inheritance, we will introduce another set of classes: Animal, Mammal, and Reptile.More specifically, Animal will be our abstract class, and both Mammal and Reptile will inherit from it.InstructionsCreate a class called Animal with its initialization method, taking self and name as arguments. Declare name as an instance variable and assign it the value of the input argument name.Create two classes Mammal and Reptile, which inherit from Animal. For both Mammal and Reptile, include the initialization method, taking self, name, and animal_type as arguments; then, animal_type as an instance variable and assign it the value of the input argument animal_type.Instantiate Mammal as daisy, passing 'Daisy' as the first argument 'dog' and as the second argument. Then instantiate Reptile as stella, passing 'Stella' as the first argument 'alligator' and as the second argument.Print both daisy and stella to explore their contents.